Statement of Intent for Replica, Firearms

When purchasing a DENIX, Replica firearm, following the Miscellaneous Provisions act (Section 40, paragraph 9) a person must provide 'reasonable excuse' to hold an imitation, firearm. Therefore we are required by Law to gather your statement of intent & details.  

Some items may require licensing or permission to hold and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. 

Please fil in the below form prior to completing your checkout, providing details on your reason/intent of purchase. Examples of this are 'Reenactment', 'Theater production', etc. 

Please also provide a phone number and email address corresponding to your order so that we may get in touch with next steps. This is a requirement.

Replicas/firearms will only be posted after email justification & requested details have been received by Powder, Cap & Ball and details successfully processed.
